I am affiliated with the Danish livestock and meat sector as well as the University of Copenhagen. This dual position makes it possible for me to act as a bridge between industry and academia. My area of interest is pathogens primarily related to pigs and pork. I develop surveillance programmes, undertake risk assessments and carry out epidemiological investigations. I also teach and supervise students. I am in particular interested in finding sustainable solutions to the challenges seen in the meat chain as part of Meat Safety Assurance Systems.
Lis is one of the workshop organisers. She will be leading the work in Workshop 2: Prudent use of antibiotics. Furthermore, Lis is the RIBMINS project vice-chair.
After having participated in Workshop 2, the participant will have obtained a better understanding of what prudent use of antimicrobials means and which actions can be done by the livestock producers, their vets, the sector as a whole and the national and international authorities. Focus during the workshop will be on the situation in the country of the participant.
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