Her research activities are mainly focused on the epidemiology of zoonotic pathogens (Salmonella, STEC, Yersinia enterocolitica, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Hepatitis E virus) in food producing animals and hunted wild game. Antimicrobial resistance was investigated in many studies, especially concerning the most recent ones about ESBL Escherichia coli and carbapenemase-producing bacteria. The comparison between animal and human zoonotic isolates completes her research studies. Furthermore, she focuses her scientific interests on meat hygiene, especially concerning wild game, pork, and bovine meat supply chains.
Silvia is member of WG1.
Her contribution to the training school is the following:
- Group Work (Case 1) on “Salmonella in pigs”
I am convinced that this Training School will broaden the horizons of each individual because of the international participants.
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