3rd RIBMINS Scientific Conference – “Shaping the Future of RB-MSAS”

The third RIBMINS Scientific Conference has been held in hybrid format on 29-30th March 2023 in Bucharest (Romania).
Bert Urlings (Vion Food Group, the Netherlands): ”Contemporary Meat Safety Standards and the role of meat inspection”
Mick Bosilevac (Meat Animal Research Center, USA): ”Post Abattoir Risk Based Meat Safety Assurance”
Katharina Stärk (Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, Switzerland): ”Modern meat safety control systems: From research to practice”
Bert Urlings: Contemporary Meat Safety Standards and the role of meat inspection
Mick Bosilevac: Post Abattoir Risk Based Meat Safety Assurance
Silvia Bonardi: Management of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in cattle in the European Union
Lis Alban: Development of best practice models for monitoring and control of residues of antimicrobial origin in pigs delivered to an abattoir
Susann Langforth / Diana Meemken: Status Quo and Improvements of Food Chain Information for Broilers, Pigs, and Bovines in Europe: Results from an Online Survey
Ting-Ting Li: Harmonised Epidemiological Indicators: How Is the Current Situation of Implementation for Pigs, Broilers, and Bovines in Europe?
Morgane Salines: Risk categorisation of abattoirs in Europe: current situation
Nikolaos Dadios: Multi-criteria risk categorisation of abattoirs with a focus on the food safety management system
Janne Holthe: Bacterial dynamics and risk categorisation of two broiler abattoirs in Norway
Arja Helena Kautto: Remote meat inspection with digital devices in small-scale slaughter and game handling in Sweden as part of future sustainable meat safety assurance system
Marianne Sandberg: Applications of Computer Vision Systems for meat safety assurance in abattoirs: A systematic review
Alex Mason: The Meat Factory Cell: Progress toward AI-driven robotic processing of entire pig carcasses
Eduarda Gomes-Neves: Official Veterinarians in Europe – demographics and training needs and opportunities in the times of change
Maurizio Ferri: Risk based meat safety assurance system – An introduction to key concepts for future training of official veterinarians
Bizena Bijo – The presence of Escherichia coli in fresh meat samples in Tirana’s market
M.F. Ferreira – Assessment of agonic aspiration of blood lung lesions as an animal-based indicator of electrical stunning ineffectiveness in pigs
Alice Gomes – Tail assessment in pigs at the abattoir: What are we missing?
Mariana Guerreiro S. Pinto – Total and partial condemnations during meat inspection of finishing pigs in a large abattoir in the North of Portugal: Frequencies and estimation of economic losses
Kacper Libera – Small contaminations on broiler carcasses are more a quality matter than a food safety issue – A Monte Carlo simulation study
Dragana Ljubojević Pelić – Meat inspection legislation in Serbia
Arzu Yavuz – A multiclass method for the determination of veterinary drug residues in bovine meat using LC-MS/MS