Farm and abattoir interventions

RIBMINS WG2/WG3 “Training school on farm and abattoir interventions in a risk-based meat safety assurance system” was organised as virtual event on June 20th – 22nd, 2022.
- Dragan Antic
- Diana Meemken
- Kurt Houf
- Truls Nesbakken
- Catherine McCarthy
- Carla Gomes
- Maria Rodrigues da Costa
- Joana Pessoa
- Patrik Buholzer
- Marco De Nardi
- Sophie Kittler
- Winy Messens
- Michaela Hempen
- Eystein Skjerve
- Lis Alban
- Sigrun Hauge
- Lian Thomas
- Avelino Alvarez-Ordóñez
- Kristin Ianssen
- Derk Oorburg
- Rhea Creve
- Mick Bosilevac
- Thiemo Albert
Welcome message – presentation – video
Winy Messens/Michaela Hempen: EFSA opinions on food/meat decontamination: Role of interventions in meat safety assurance systems – presentation 1 – video 1 – presentation 2 – video 2
Eystein Skjerve: Interventions in the meat chain: The need to integrate causal inference into planning of interventions – presentation – video
Kristin Ianssen: Actual and future challenges and needs from the farm level perspective – presentation – video
Derk Oorburg: Actual and future challenges and needs from the slaughterhouse level perspective – presentation – video
Carla Gomes: Actual and future challenges and needs from the national perspective. Progress up to date on Salmonella controls in the EU – presentation – video
Diana Meemken: Description of farm interventions – presentation – video
Joana Pessoa: Systematic literature review on pre-harvest food safety interventions for broilers (proven efficacy by Randomised Controlled Trials) – presentation – video
Maria Rodrigues da Costa: Systematic literature review on pre-harvest food safety interventions for pigs and cattle (proven efficacy by Randomised Controlled Trials) – presentation – video
Truls Nesbakken: Pre-harvest food safety interventions (proven efficacy apart from Randomised Controlled Trials) – presentation – video
Rhea Creve: BioCheck – Measuring biosecurity as a tool for zoonoses control – presentation – video
Dragan Antic: Physical abattoir interventions (lairage, GHP, thermal treatments) – presentation – video
Kurt Houf: Chemical abattoir interventions and microbiological validation of interventions – presentation – video
Dragan Antic: Results from ongoing WG3 work (interventions in beef, pigs, sheep, poultry) – presentation – video
Mick Bosilevac: Hazard-based thermal and chemical interventions for beef and pigs: USA experience – presentation – video
Catherine McCarthy: Quantitative MRA models for evaluating the effects of interventions in reducing risks for consumer – presentation – video
Thiemo Albert: Abattoir interventions: novel treatments and non-thermal technologies – presentation – video
- FARM INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 1: Diagnostics, detection of hazards on the farm: direct & indirect detection methods – presentation video
- FARM INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 2: Prudent use of antimicrobials – presentation 1 – presentation 2 video
- FARM INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 3: Other pre-harvest interventions: phages; vaccines, probiotics (competitive exclusion), diet manipulation – presentation video
- FARM INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 4: Pre-harvest interventions in different European countries: Campylobacter and Salmonella case (role of competent authorities and science) – presentation video
- FARM INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY: 5 Preparation of animals for slaughter: clean animal policies in Europe (farm-to-slaughter stage) – presentation video
- ABATTOIR INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 1: How to design studies to investigate interventions’ performance in abattoir – presentation video
- ABATTOIR INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 2: Hazard-based versus GHP-based interventions – how to evaluate the interventions’ effectiveness against specific hazards – presentation video
- ABATTOIR INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 3: Quantitative risk assessments to evaluate the effects of abattoir interventions in reducing risks for consumers – presentation video
- ABATTOIR INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 4: Economic analysis of abattoir interventions for foodborne parasites – presentation video
- ABATTOIR INTERVENTIONS CASE STUDY 5: Chemical interventions – to chlorine or not to chlorine – presentation video